Skin cancer remains the most common cancer affecting human beings, and about five million cases are diagnosed in the U.S. every year. Skin cancer results from the abnormal growth of skin cells, and skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body. Let’s dive in and learn more about skin cancer awareness.
When cells on normal skin die, they are replaced with new cells through a process our DNA regulates. When this process fails to work properly, skin cancer can form. In skin cancer cases, the new cells develop much too quickly, resulting in uncontrolled growth. This rampant growth is skin cancer. Two of the leading causes of skin cancer are the use of tanning beds and getting too much ultraviolet light from sunlight.
While exposure to ultraviolet light through sunlight or tanning beds increases the risk of skin cancer, other factors should also be considered:
People with fair skin tend to be more susceptible to skin cancer, but people of all ethnicities and races can develop skin cancer. Everyone should try to stay in the shade or wear sunscreen during peak sunlight.
It’s important to note that people with dark skin are not safe from skin cancer, even if they never experience sunburn. Equally important, African Americans have an increased likelihood of being diagnosed in melanoma’s later stages. This results in these individuals having the lowest overall survival rate for skin cancer.
Most individuals have birthmarks, freckles, or moles on their body. Determining if a dermatologist should examine a mole or mark is challenging. When examining your skin, use the “ABCDE rule” to check for potential skin cancer.
The most important measure to prevent skin cancer is to minimize exposure to sunlight and tanning beds.
If you need a dermatologist for skin cancer detection, treatment, or prevention, our team at Clarity Dermatology, office in Parker, Colorado, is here to help and answer any questions you may have. Call us today at (720) 686-7546 to request an appointment and learn more about the importance of skin cancer awareness.