MiraDry Helps to Eliminate Underarm Sweat and Odor
Everyone sweats. But it doesn’t always feel good, especially when you’re drenched in underarm sweat. Unlike sweat from your limbs and torso, underarm sweat often feels excessive. It takes longer for it to dry out and is often accompanied by lingering body odor.
Excessive sweating is a huge inconvenience that makes the warmer seasons a lot less fun. However, MiraDry is a proven treatment for reducing underarm sweat and odor in the long term!
MiraDry Gets the Job Done
MiraDry is an FDA-approved treatment for excessive sweating. Healthcare providers can use its safe and targeted non-surgical heat technology to eliminate sweat glands in the specified area, drastically reducing sweat output.
MiraDry treatment is semi-permanent, meaning that the results from each treatment will often last for years, if not your entire lifetime. A long-lasting result from MiraDry generally requires 1-2 treatments, each taking approximately one hour.
MiraDry Patients Love the Results!
Immediately following treatment, patients might experience some swelling, numbness, bruising, and/or soreness in the treatment area for up to several days following the procedure. However, our MiraDry patients have all been very satisfied with its life-changing, lasting benefits.
MiraDry Offers Comfortable, Sweat-Free Underarms
The MiraDry device is available at our Castle Rock office. Fortunately, this procedure can be performed in 1-3 visits, so it is worth the drive if you do not live in the immediate area!
Call us at (720) 686-7546 to set up a consultation. We serve the communities of Fort Collins, Englewood, Parker, Niwot, Boulder, and Castle Rock, CO. We would love to assist you with your skincare goals by providing you with some of the most reliable and advanced solutions available!